Panier universel pour tournebroche

Le panier universel pour tournebroche Vida par PADERNO cuit les aliments uniformément avec peu ou pas d’huile et est idéal pour cuire vos aliments préférés, y compris les ailes de poulet, les frites, les légumes et les crevettes. Fait d’acier inoxydable durable, il permet de faire des broches carrées et hexagonales.
Détails techniques
  • Construction en acier inoxydable
  • Convient aux broches carrées et hexagonales
  • Petites ouvertures de circulation d’air permettant de garder les aliments bien au chaud
Directives d’entretien
  • Laver à la main uniquement avec un savon doux pour la vaisselle; rincer et sécher immédiatement
  • Ne pas utiliser de produits abrasifs ou métalliques

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Geoff R
Every item is as only as good as its operator

My wife purchased this for me because I love gadgets almost as much as I love BBQ'ing. When comparing this to other comparable items it appears to stack up pretty good. the item itself spins nicely on the rotisserie but in my opinion would be unusable on a small to medium size bbq unless it is the only thing that you are using to cook.

the item works as described however i noticed a few flaws that may make you look a other brands

1. The item distorts rather easily when opening and closing especially if hot.
2. because of the pressed ridges on the item, using it for anything that is saucy or greasy results in alot of cleanup time
3. the baffles inside meant to flip the food work however again cleaning can be a pain in the bottom.
4. when putting frozen items (Chicken wings etc.) inside, the meat tends to stick to the inside and you have to open it to unstick.
5. dont even bother putting anything with any breading on it as it will just fall off.

overall I am satisfied with the item however its not as versatile as i thought it would be.


great size love to cook from veg to meat in here ..